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extraer datos de una tabla de Mysql: para verificar si existen los datos o son falsos

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extraer datos de una tabla de Mysql


Picture of Christian Ariel Garay by Christian Ariel Garay - 1 year ago (2023-06-26)

para verificar si existen los datos o son falsos

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Use 'php-ajax-pagination' me figuran funciones sin definir, cual podrķa ser el error

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Stefan Kientzler by Stefan Kientzler - 1 year ago (2023-06-26) Reply

    Hi Christian,

    i'm sorry, but this is not a specific request for a specific package, nor do you describe what you actually want to do and where your problems are in detail. To be able to recommend a package or a solution, a more detailed description of the problem is required - and please try to explain it in English so that it can be understood by all users here without using a translator,

    regards, Stefan

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